Master Class 2024


The Tradition of discipline in the martial arts is what makes training so special and sets it apart from other activities.

  1. The student is requested to arrive 10 minutes prior to scheduled class and in any case will arrive for training with sufficient time for warm up exesercises;
  2. When entering or leaving the dojo, the student will always face the front, bow and say OSS;
  3. The student will remove shoes before entering the mat area. He/she will put shoes, bags and coats neatly in the restroom and/or in the cubbies and will not leave them in the lobby area;
  4. The student will wait to be invited on the mat. In any event he/she will never train without supervision of a qualified instructor. He/she will never attempt any tecnique without his/her instructor being present on the mat;
  5. The student will not eat, chew gum, smoke or drink in the dojo;
  6. The student wears a full gi (pants and jacket) with belt properly tied. He/she will keep uniforms neat, clean and odorfree;
  7. The student will not remove any part of his/her gi during training without being told to do so;
  8. No jewelry may be worn on the mat. Students will keep fingernails and toenails short and neat to avoid injuries;
  9. The student will always make sure his/her feet, nails and hands are washed clean for training;
  10. Students are expected to be always well-mannered and behave properly, use polite terms “please” and “thank you” or Oss;
  11. The student will not talk on the mat during class while the instructor is talking and he/she will keep talking to the partner to a minimum;
  12. The student will raise his/her hand and ask to be excused from the mat to use the restroom, get drink, go to the toilet etc;
  13. When working with partners, students will bow to each other at the beginning and at the end of each tecnique;
  14. The student will kneel on his/her left knee to adjust or re-tie his/her belt. He/she will turn to the right, away from the front of the class or from his/her partner to adjust the gi. The student is expected to learn to respect his/her belt as symbol of efforts training;
  15. The student’s gi must be washed clean and should be neat at all times. Belts should be aired dry, but never washed as it symbolically contains the spirit of hard training;
  16. When asked to proceed to a position, the student will always move as quickly as possible. He/she will never stroll;
  17. When practicing with a black belt, the student will always do his/her very best but will always show respect for the rank;
  18. The student will always address his/her instructor and Sensei or Shihan as the case may be. He/she will never address an instructor by their first name;
  19. The student will not ask a higher grade for fight. He/she will not refuse however is asked by a senior grade;
  20. The student will never break rank for any reason without permission from the instructror. He/she will never walk between rows or between the instructor and those training. If he/she must leave his/her position, he/she will walk behind the row;
  21. The student will listen carefully to the instructors directions. He/she will acknowledge all instructions with a strong Oss;
  22. The student will attend classes on regular and consistent basis of 2 classes per week;
  23. The student will notify his/her instructor if he/she will miss classes for work, illness, injury, vacancy, etc;
  24. The student will always show proper effort and spirit when training; he/she will always be patient, have fun and train hard each and every time he/she comes to class;
  25. The student is expected to respect the Wjjc hierarchy from Soke to the last fellow;
  26. Students will be expected to attend for grading according to their own progression and after being authorised by their instructor.


  1. The student will join the Wjjc through the Club or Organization that is officially affiliated to the Wjjc. The registration will ensure adequate insurance against accidents that might occur during training and regular registration in the international registeres of the WJJC;
  2. The student will submit completed in all aspects an application for registration, will include two recent photos, a medical certificate and will sign his WJJC budopas-sport;
  3. The WJJC reserves the right to decline any application without stating a reason;
  4. The registration of the student expire annually and will be renewed accordingly. It is further the responsability of the student to check and ensure that his/her insurance cover is valid;
  5. Students under the age of 16 years will be categorised as junior students. Students over 17 years of age will be categorised as senior students;
  6. Breaches of the rules and regulations (International Rules Book for Instructors) in any form carries the possibility of expulsion from the WJJC.