The International Board of Black Belts Badge is stitched on the chest of the black jacket of the members who represent the WJJC SHIHAN KAI. The WJJC Shihan Kai is the International Board of Directors of the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation. Shihan Kai members are appointed for making suggestions about the activities and initiatives that shall be taken internationally, yet the final decision is always up to Soke. They are direct students of Soke Adriano Busà and there are 2 of them for each continent, therefore they are 14 members plus Soke. The Shihan Kai with its 15 members consults with the National Technical Directors so that they form a working group that develops the projects in specific areas of the globe. The Shihan Kai members are responsible to Soke and he is the one who accurately selects them. They are members of high technical, moral and executive skills who help and cooperate in both international activities and in their countries as National Technical Directors. The Shihan Kai members gather once a year at the headquarter of the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation.
WJJC Shihan Kai International Board of Black Belts Badge
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