Master Class 2024

Our Logo: Saint George

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The symbol of the WJJC is Saint George killing the dragon with his spear (Cappadocia, circa 275 – 285 a.d. - Nicomedia 303). Saint George was the brave knight who challenged the horrible dragon and, in the end, pierced him through with his spear. The Saint is associated with honor, bravery, gallantry and generosity.
George was a shining, fearless knight who lived in the 3rd century a.d. in Cappadocia, an area which is now part of Turkey. His bravery was demonstrated by aiding others.

One such story goes like those days, a ferocious dragon lived in a big lake. The dragon had been terrorizing the sorrounding towns and, every day the people would feed the dragon a sheep to appease it. When the sheep were all eaten, the dragon demanded that the people sacrifice one young maiden to him each day instead. One by one, the young girls were killed until, in the end, only the King of Egypt's daughter was left. Unless a knight could be found to slay the dragon, the princess would be sacrificed the next day.

The King tried to bargain his way out of it, but the town's people declared that she should be delivered over to the dragon just as many of their children had been. So, the King dressed his daughter as if she were to be wed, embraced her, kissed her, gave her his blessing, and led her to were the dragon was.

George, who was passing by, asked the daughter what was happening. She told him about the dragon and begged him to leave before it appeared and killed him too.
The knight said to the princess:”Fair daughter, do not doubt, I will help you. Good knight, go your way and abide not with me, because you may not deliver me”.

While they were speking, the dragon appeared and rushed them. The dragon was huge and its roar sounded like thunder, but St. George was not afraid. He maunted his horse, drew out his sword and rode hard against the dragon. But the dragon charged him, smote him and hurt him sore and threw him to the ground.
St. George did not give up. Instead, he rushed the dragon and used his sword to pierce it under its wing where the dragon was vulnerable because there were no scales. The dragon fell dead under St. George's feet.
The King of Egypt's daughter was rescued.

George was just as fearless on the day of his cruel martydom. In the year 302, Diocletian issued an edict that every soldier in the army should offer sacrifices to the Roman gods. As a consequence of refusing to burn incense to the gods, the imperor had him arrested. Diocletian, not wanting to lose one of his best tribunes, attempted to offer George gifts of land, money and slaves if he would make sacrifices to the Roman gods. George never accepted the offer. The Emperor executed him for his refusal to obey the edict. Before the execution, George gave his wealth to the poor and prepared himself to die.
Not only did George himself not submit to the orders, but he gave the other prisoners great courage by his exmple.