Master Class 2024

Journey towards Europe

Wjjc World Ju Jitsu Corporation Adriano Busa Giovanni Gordiani EurEthics European Commission Sport Martial Art Self Defence Ju Jitsu Black BeltsThe World Ju-Jitsu Corporation is an international organization that is both modern, as a consequence of its continually being up-to-date and still deeply-rooted in the English Ju-Jitsu style. The WJJC professionalism and work ethic is internationally recognized and its Soke Adriano Busà guarantees its reliability along with the high technical level. The highly innovative mentality along with its up-to-date Ju-Jitsu style make of the WJJC an organization that is unique in the international environment. All this has been recognized and appreciated by EUR.E.TH.IC.S. “Training Academy” from Bruxelles, Certification Authority with mandate from the European Institutions, which has been looking for reliable sport organizations to introduce into a selection process that is based on fair play and in the developpement of professional standards for the sport sectors. The WJJC has been recognized as an organization with all the proper characteristics to represent the Ju-Jitsu sector at a very professional level internationally.

On February 16th, 2016, a delegation of the WJJC made up of its Soke Adriano Busà and some of his direct black belts, was welcomed at the European Commission Visitors' Centre in Bruxelles by Prof. Giovanni Gordiani, EUR.E.TH.IC.S. President. On that occasion, the WJJC delegation was given the opportunity to attend the second part of a course on the various European Institutions, on how they interact with one another and on the European quality certifications, in particular on the ISO 17024, which is about personal competencies.

According to the indicators, from 2017/2018 an European resolution imposing professionalism in sport will be applied. Those receiving ISO 17024 certification applied to sport, will enter a professional register, which guarantees the highest professionalism to anyone wishing to attend a sport course all over Europe.

After careful evaluation, the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation, has been chosen as a training body for the Ju-Jitsu sector and as direct representative for EUR.E.TH.IC.S.

It was exactly on this last visit to the European Commission that our Soke Adriano Busà received the proposal of 8th Level EQF (European Qualification Framework) along with the titles of Professor and Head Master, which is the highest level.

We can't hide our satisfaction for having received such a recognition of our professionalism, which was built by our Soke's hard work. He intends to go ahead with his research and study of Ju-Jitsu, making himself available for anyone wishing to learn the sweet art and becoming part of a great family of professionals.
