World Ju-Jitsu Corporation Members

Wjjc Official Member Ju Jitsu World Ju Jitsu Corporation

This important section of the website opens a wide window into the WJJC members' sector.

Not only does this section address the various grades of the WJJC member, from student to international representative, but it also shows the location of the affiliated organizations, their websites and contacts, the Black Belt register and the international Budo Pas-sport.

Browse the website and just click on the link you're interested in.

Official members are all kyu and black belts affiliated to the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation. They are listed in the international register, study our WJJC syllabus and are registered in our official dojos around the world.
Official members follow the WJJC rules, wear the white WJJC student Gi for Kyu belts or the Gi with red jacket for instructors.

The membership document each official members of the WJJC is expected to posses and guard is the International Budo Pas-Sport. It is an international document that contains all information concerning the martial arts career of the student such as Kyu and Dan levels (the latters certified directly by our Soke all over the world) stages, competitions and seminars.

Martial Artists from other organizations willing to join the WJJC and represent their dojo, town or even their country can apply by fulfilling the contact form in this website. We will get back as soon as possible.
Making a preliminary remark, in case the applicant comes from a country where there already is an official representative of the WJJC, the application will be fowarded to our representative   and he will deal with the affiliation.

On the contrary, in case the application comes from a country where there are no official representatives of the WJJC yet, the applicant may request to become an official WJJC representative of either his Dojo, his town or his country. In this case, the applicant is requested to send his credentials to the international secretary, who will forward the application to Soke Adriano Busà. In case of a positive result, it is necessary that Soke comes to the aplicant's dojo to get to know him personally and check his technical skills.

On that occasion, it will be possible to work intensively with our founder on the first technical programs and set forth the union between the parties, the new representative subscribes a representation agreement and a training schedule with fixed dates. Once all details have been  acknowledged, he becomes both direct student of Soke Adriano Busà and official representative of the WJJC. From this moment on, he will be able to pass our Ju-Jitsu on to his students. In this event, we will issue a certificate subscribed by our founder certifying the degree of responsibility of our new representative.

The World Ju-Jitsu Corporation does not issue any certificates or diplomas to martial artists who are not official members of the WJJC and ask for Dan or grades. Dan grades are given to WJJC  black belts who have passed the grading in front of a committee of our founder and the National Technical Director, not before the time fixed has passed and once Soke Busà has signed his authorization.

Therefore, martial artists from other organizations asking for certificates to reach higher grades or an honorific title, won't be satisfied. On the contrary, those who wish to join the WJJC, yet  with no obligation, without studying our syllabus nor wearing our Gi, neither having our Budopas-Sport nor following our rules, can apply for becoming friend members by fulfilling  a special form. They will receive a certificate as friend members and will enter the international WJJC list of official Friend Members.

Join us and welcome into the WJJC World!!!


red jacket

All over the world, Wjjc students wear a white gi with red stripes on the pants and red collar, embroidery on the back, chest and collar of the jacket.

This applies to both red belt and brown belt students. While, once you move on to Yudansha level and become a black belt and instructor, the Wjjc gi changes in color and acquires a different value.

The jacket becomes red with black collar, and the instructor’s name is embroidered on the chest. This is meant for the instructor to be recognizable at once. What is more, because of the badges stitched on the gi, your level is recognizable as well.

During international seminars, you can meet people from other countries, yet it is exactly the gi that shows who you’re training with, either a student or an instructor, along with his country from the national badge stitched on the left sleeve heart side.

The red jacket is a coveted goal, but burdened with responsibilities too, which puts its wearer to the next level. Pride of belonging to the Wjjc when wearing a red jacket increases even more and you realize a new jujitsuka has taken the place of the old one and is now ready for a new path of personal and technical growth in Kishidō and in the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation.


official equipment

The World Ju-Jitsu Corporation is devoted to professionalism in all aspects and not only technical. In our organization we take care of details in all sectors: events, communication, social media, networks, competitions and the image. All Wjjc official items are both beautiful and good quality, they are designed and tested by Soke directly.

We carefully select our suppliers, which guarantees both quality and durability of our official equipment. Our organization distinguishes from other organizations for both style and quality. All Wjjc students in the world train the same style as well as all members wear the same Gi, from Cuba, Sri Lanka, Romania to Kuwait.

All Wjjc ju-jitsuka have a strong sense of pride and belonging, not only are they ju-jitsu enthusiasts but also have a strong attachment to our flag. As soon as they put their Gi back in their sport bag, can’t wait to wear it back and learn new technicques.

All Wjjc members are easily recognisable exactly because of our strong image on the tatami and outside. As a matter of fact, there are so many Wjjc official items that members can purchase and take home or to their dojo. Our official equipment is conceived according to the criterion of durability and appeal. Anybody in the world will recognize you and respect you.

When you are wearing a Wjjc official item, both pride and passion merge and you feel special.


our valuesThe nature of the World ju-Jitsu Corporation is based on Budo values.

Both discipline and self-control are the basis of these values, they are essential to venture into the complex world of Ju-Jitsu, which entails a path of technical and personal growth.

These two weight-bearing columns bear twelve smaller ones, which are not less important but have their appropriate position in time and place.

As a matter of fact, all these qualities can be taken in by degrees, they have to be absorbed before passing them down to the students.

The core values of the Wjjc are: Respect, Honesty, Loyalty, Sincerity, Education, Honour, Passion, Commitment, Determination, Power and Bravery.

The Wjjc intends Ju-Jitsu as means of gettings to know yourself better. Through the practice of Ju-Jitsu we get to know ourselves deeply and can share with others our experience.

Ju-Jitsu is mainly based on yielding to an attacker’s force to redirecting and returning it with a counter attack. This way we turn the attacker’s strength into weaknesses.

Through Ju-Jitsu we can work on unknow aspects of our personality, which are often considered as weaknesses that can be improved and turned into amazing strengths.

We are teaching about respect, discipline, hard work, sacrifice, and humility.

Once you’ll have reached the rank of black belt, you’ll be able to pass the values you were taught to others and help future students to grow.

The Wjjc opens its doors to anyone wishing to improve themselves through Ju-Jitsu. Either you are a beginner or a skilled martial artist, the Wjjc is offering you the perfect opportunity to learn and practice Ju-Jitsu to the next level.


COMMITMENT AND SACRIFICE PAGEAny outcome requires walking a path to achieve it and so it is in martial arts, especially in Ju-Jitsu. Any single step in the learning scale has to be taken with great determination to move ahead.

The more you go up, the more willpower is needed to take another step, as the height of the steps increases according to the required technical skills for different levels.

This is our way from the very kyu level, yet it is when you are a black belt that committment becomes sacrifice. You won’t move forward unless you put your all into it, cultivate your will every single day to go up and up.

All members of the Wjjc can strive for even ambitious goals in the Wjjc, yet before undertaking the travel towards the desired goal, you have to evaluate the price of the ticket and consider whether you really have the strengths and features to achieve your goals.

This is why, in Ju-Jitsu as well as in life, all is earned and nothing is given.

All our achievements always come after hard work, determination and willpower. T

here is no other way to give value to what we practice and to our position in the Wjjc.


black belt awards

Every year the black belt gradings take place in each country. During their training time, candidates work hard to meet Soke, who is the one allowed to examine the skills of the black belts.

This is intended to guarantee both the National Technical Directors, candidates and all the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation that the Kishidō style is passed down accurately, checked and corrected directly by its founder.

The grading commissions are made up of Soke Adriano Busà, the National Technical Director and by those who represent the local technical commission, which is organized directly by the national responsible (all members of the local commission must be at least one grade over the student to be examined).

After the grading, Soke gives the international black belt diploma signed and stamped by himself. All other certificates, diplomas, titles are given by Soke and National commission during events such as congresses, gala dinnerers, master classes, seminars, tournaments or competitions.


wjjc spiritThe goal of the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation is giving anyone the opportunity to learn, deepen and pass on our Ju-Jitsu Kishidō professionally, so as to develop successful schools around the world.

Such concept has involved numerous jujitsuka from several countries in a path where they represent increasingly leading figures in their dojo, town and country.

The secret of success of the Wjjc is nothing but interpreting ju-jitsu in a serious way, while having fun and making way for developing true friendships.

Everybody truly feel a shared sense of belonging to the Wjjc, while at the same time are proud to represent their own country within an international context.

In practice, in the World Ju-Jitsu Corporation we all share the same spirit and vision as our founder, which means that all representatives are expected to build their own schools upon the principles of respect and trust and promoting teamwork, as the strength is drawn from the team.

United we are stronger and as Soke Adriano Busà often says << …on our own we might go faster, but united we go further for sure >>.


The Tradition of discipline in the martial arts is what makes training so special and sets it apart from other activities.

  1. The student is requested to arrive 10 minutes prior to scheduled class and in any case will arrive for training with sufficient time for warm up exesercises;
  2. When entering or leaving the dojo, the student will always face the front, bow and say OSS;
  3. The student will remove shoes before entering the mat area. He/she will put shoes, bags and coats neatly in the restroom and/or in the cubbies and will not leave them in the lobby area;
  4. The student will wait to be invited on the mat. In any event he/she will never train without supervision of a qualified instructor. He/she will never attempt any tecnique without his/her instructor being present on the mat;
  5. The student will not eat, chew gum, smoke or drink in the dojo;
  6. The student wears a full gi (pants and jacket) with belt properly tied. He/she will keep uniforms neat, clean and odorfree;
  7. The student will not remove any part of his/her gi during training without being told to do so;
  8. No jewelry may be worn on the mat. Students will keep fingernails and toenails short and neat to avoid injuries;
  9. The student will always make sure his/her feet, nails and hands are washed clean for training;
  10. Students are expected to be always well-mannered and behave properly, use polite terms “please” and “thank you” or Oss;
  11. The student will not talk on the mat during class while the instructor is talking and he/she will keep talking to the partner to a minimum;
  12. The student will raise his/her hand and ask to be excused from the mat to use the restroom, get drink, go to the toilet etc;
  13. When working with partners, students will bow to each other at the beginning and at the end of each tecnique;
  14. The student will kneel on his/her left knee to adjust or re-tie his/her belt. He/she will turn to the right, away from the front of the class or from his/her partner to adjust the gi. The student is expected to learn to respect his/her belt as symbol of efforts training;
  15. The student’s gi must be washed clean and should be neat at all times. Belts should be aired dry, but never washed as it symbolically contains the spirit of hard training;
  16. When asked to proceed to a position, the student will always move as quickly as possible. He/she will never stroll;
  17. When practicing with a black belt, the student will always do his/her very best but will always show respect for the rank;
  18. The student will always address his/her instructor and Sensei or Shihan as the case may be. He/she will never address an instructor by their first name;
  19. The student will not ask a higher grade for fight. He/she will not refuse however is asked by a senior grade;
  20. The student will never break rank for any reason without permission from the instructror. He/she will never walk between rows or between the instructor and those training. If he/she must leave his/her position, he/she will walk behind the row;
  21. The student will listen carefully to the instructors directions. He/she will acknowledge all instructions with a strong Oss;
  22. The student will attend classes on regular and consistent basis of 2 classes per week;
  23. The student will notify his/her instructor if he/she will miss classes for work, illness, injury, vacancy, etc;
  24. The student will always show proper effort and spirit when training; he/she will always be patient, have fun and train hard each and every time he/she comes to class;
  25. The student is expected to respect the Wjjc hierarchy from Soke to the last fellow;
  26. Students will be expected to attend for grading according to their own progression and after being authorised by their instructor.


  1. The student will join the Wjjc through the Club or Organization that is officially affiliated to the Wjjc. The registration will ensure adequate insurance against accidents that might occur during training and regular registration in the international registeres of the WJJC;
  2. The student will submit completed in all aspects an application for registration, will include two recent photos, a medical certificate and will sign his WJJC budopas-sport;
  3. The WJJC reserves the right to decline any application without stating a reason;
  4. The registration of the student expire annually and will be renewed accordingly. It is further the responsability of the student to check and ensure that his/her insurance cover is valid;
  5. Students under the age of 16 years will be categorised as junior students. Students over 17 years of age will be categorised as senior students;
  6. Breaches of the rules and regulations (International Rules Book for Instructors) in any form carries the possibility of expulsion from the WJJC.



The way of the knight is the literal translation of the Japanese word Kishidō, the Wjjc style codified by Soke Adriano Busà.

Kishidō is the outcome of four decades spent studying martial arts by our founder. The Wjjc style has English rooths, yet it was developed in Italy after long professional experiences of its founder both in his country and around the world.

Althought Kishidō is anchored to the movements and power of the English method, it is an evolution of it and its techniques are more focused on speed and precision, which enhances the training program and makes our style even more effective.

We believe that martial arts should bring out the best in its practitioner and be applicable to street contexts when necessary. Therefore, you won’t achieve your goals unless you develop speed, precision and power.

This is what St. George, beating heart of our logo, represents. He defeated the dragon through his speed and bravery and this is exactly what we pursue through the practice of Kishidō: training people who are aware of their potentiality and who can put it into practice when necessary.

Another essential aspect is developing courage, which requires working first through yourself and then face your opponent by using his strength and movements in his disadvantage to turn his aggression upside down.

This is the universal principle of Ju-Jitsu: working on ourselves, working with our body to get to the mind, home to all our weaknesses, so as to turn them into strengths.

All this is called… Kishidō.